Chew on this: If stress, anxiety and worry fill your mind and heart .... Then by thinking and feeling this way, you are telling Jesus that The Price He paid was not enough!
In this world we will have trouble--BUT HE HAS OVERCOME IT ALL, so that one day we will have Eternity free of it all! PEACE, He gives: cast all your anxieties upon Him--for.He.cares.for.YOU!
What is God asking of you, today? This week? This year? Feeling like it's too much to handle? If He calls you to it-He will CARRY YOU THROUGH IT!! This much, I know, because of how I have chosen to live my life at a very young age! I often say "I'd rather not be like Jonah--I want to obey Christ the first time, because if the trials in life that I come across--the road blocks-the obstacles, are NOT WHALES.....I'd hate to see what would swallow me up IF I CHOSE TO RUN!" Peace and Blessings, as you pursue Him relentlessly.
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