The ball will officially roll from the hands of FBCH and our SW this week, to SCC and a "mystery SW" who will be doing our HS.
Tonight-I basically completed the last of our paperwork-D will sign off on it tomorrow. We need to get finger-printed, physicals and have 3 others do some finger-printing too. And-the rest is up to the SW--our work is done other than continuing to work on the house.
A lot of "waiting" in the in-betweens.
We'll have a LONG HS w/ the SW from SCC-interview us as individuals (boys included), a family, etc. Walk around and inspect home. Then, a Health Dept. inspector will be scheduled to come out. All this is probably what will take so long--waiting for the next appointment, etc.
Our SW said to give it at least 8 weeks of being "in the works"--but not to expect our 1st placement until around Dec. 1. You know-the.most.chaotic-I mean-wonderful.time.of.the.year! ;) It's okay--have I mentioned this is ALL GOD'S? All.His.Timing!
We still have "piddly" errand types of things to do--purchase 2 required fire extinguishers (2 floors), safety-proof certain things--but because of how fast we accomplished tasks this weekend-and pounding out paperwork tonight--I'm feeling we're ahead of the game. For.NOW! ;)
So, hope this answers some questions. Oh-and NO--we do NOT know who we're "going to get." Nor do we have a preference of boy/girl. We are sticking to the age group of 0-5 years of age. The room is ready with boy and girl toys.
That's all, for now. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we venture on this beautiful journey God has called us on--and keep in touch! :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Day Of Redemption
August 31, 2012=The Day of Redemption! Augusts have been deemed as my "bad month" for years. Lost my 1st pregnancy in 2002. Brother was almost killed in an accident in 2002 (a week before my loss). My "Uncle Daddy" (most FAVORITE relative in my extended family) diagnosed with brain cancer in 2010--I just.don' And let's not forget I live in FLORIDA--one of the HOTTEST months all year!
So, there I was-Friday-on the brink of putting behind me the dreaded month....and I'll admit--August 2012 wasn'! Content-YES! New job in Ministry-YES! Good start to school for both my sons-YES! us-YES! And then-I got a call---the long-AWAITED-call, from our Social Worker (SW)--but it was a "tad bit earlier" than she had promised (late Sept-Oct)--so I was anxious to hear what she was "proposing"--and of COURSE, she was at LUNCH when I returned her call! And voice mail picked up hours later when I attempted AGAIN. Didn't she know not to tease me like that going into a 3 day weekend? I laughed at myself and was reminded again by that still.small.voice in my heart--It's all in God's hands--HIS timing--NOT mine! And I felt so at peace.! ;)
5:45 p.m. on a Friday as I splashed around Mom's pool with the boys-my cell rings--it was our SW! Long story short--they are "outsourcing" some of their families (US) to the local foster system (where we'll be getting children from anyways!) in an effort to get more families licensed and available. Currently-there are NO available foster homes in our county and 100's of kids "in need of beds"--aka--HOMES, JESUS, PARENTS TO LOVE ON THEM, FAMILIES TO HELP BRING HEALING TO THE BROKENNESS!!!! After conferring with Dana--we both agreed to this "change of plans"--and decided to GO FOR IT.....we'll still get our license through FBCH, but to get the ball ROLLLLLLING--we'll have our initial Home Study (HS) done by Safe Children's Coalition (SCC) instead of our SW w/ FBCH.
We originally had a "plan-less weekend." Forget that plan. We entered into super-vamped mode of clearing out closets (Dear dear hubby FINALLY departed with a specific shirt that I have DESPISED for the 12+ years we've been together-Hallelujah-Thank You JESUS!!!), filled 4 LARGE garbage bags of clothes for a friend who ministers to the needy, filled a box w/ misc. stuff for Goodwill, rented a small storage unit for stuff in our son's closets that freed up space so they could HAVE A CLOSET---oh the work we accomplished when we had MOTIVATION! :)
So grateful for the beautiful reminder from my friend E. She pointed out how God had REDEEMED the month of August, for me, via a text! Her words! Hard. I took a deep breath, re-read her words and smiled. And whispered a prayer of gratitude to my Sweet Heavenly Father who knows just what we need, just what we want and just the right time for it!! :) Four days later, I'm still grinning like a ninny.
So, there I was-Friday-on the brink of putting behind me the dreaded month....and I'll admit--August 2012 wasn'! Content-YES! New job in Ministry-YES! Good start to school for both my sons-YES! us-YES! And then-I got a call---the long-AWAITED-call, from our Social Worker (SW)--but it was a "tad bit earlier" than she had promised (late Sept-Oct)--so I was anxious to hear what she was "proposing"--and of COURSE, she was at LUNCH when I returned her call! And voice mail picked up hours later when I attempted AGAIN. Didn't she know not to tease me like that going into a 3 day weekend? I laughed at myself and was reminded again by that still.small.voice in my heart--It's all in God's hands--HIS timing--NOT mine! And I felt so at peace.! ;)
5:45 p.m. on a Friday as I splashed around Mom's pool with the boys-my cell rings--it was our SW! Long story short--they are "outsourcing" some of their families (US) to the local foster system (where we'll be getting children from anyways!) in an effort to get more families licensed and available. Currently-there are NO available foster homes in our county and 100's of kids "in need of beds"--aka--HOMES, JESUS, PARENTS TO LOVE ON THEM, FAMILIES TO HELP BRING HEALING TO THE BROKENNESS!!!! After conferring with Dana--we both agreed to this "change of plans"--and decided to GO FOR IT.....we'll still get our license through FBCH, but to get the ball ROLLLLLLING--we'll have our initial Home Study (HS) done by Safe Children's Coalition (SCC) instead of our SW w/ FBCH.
We originally had a "plan-less weekend." Forget that plan. We entered into super-vamped mode of clearing out closets (Dear dear hubby FINALLY departed with a specific shirt that I have DESPISED for the 12+ years we've been together-Hallelujah-Thank You JESUS!!!), filled 4 LARGE garbage bags of clothes for a friend who ministers to the needy, filled a box w/ misc. stuff for Goodwill, rented a small storage unit for stuff in our son's closets that freed up space so they could HAVE A CLOSET---oh the work we accomplished when we had MOTIVATION! :)
Photo caption from Instagram: Moving seasonal decorations and baby/toddler items to storage in prep for our #homestudy . 25 sq ft made such a HUGE difference! Weird!

Photo caption from Instagram: Can't fire the free help! This cracked us up-both Dane and I were busting our tails and we looked over and saw them sitting there all chill! #thegoodlife
So grateful for the beautiful reminder from my friend E. She pointed out how God had REDEEMED the month of August, for me, via a text! Her words! Hard. I took a deep breath, re-read her words and smiled. And whispered a prayer of gratitude to my Sweet Heavenly Father who knows just what we need, just what we want and just the right time for it!! :) Four days later, I'm still grinning like a ninny.
Photo Caption on Instagram: What? Don't most people do #radon tests on Tuesday nights at 955 pm? #totallynormal right? Beats the glucose test required in wk 30 of pregnancy! I'll take this test any day over a cup full of orange flavored vomit ! ;)
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